Following 2013’s critically-acclaimed Song Noir, Pumajaw continue their unique musical journey into the twilight zone of cult TV and film noir, with spinetingling vocals, evocative, electronic soundscapes and retro-futuristic films.
Featuring songs from 'Twin Peaks', 'The Night of the Hunter' and 'Kiss Me Deadly' alongside originals from their repertoire of seven extraordinary albums, Pumajaw lead you through a seductive, mind bending, audio-visual maze.
'Bewitching' – The Scotsman ****
'Seduces the audience into a weird and even scary world.' – The Herald ****
'Rather wonderful' – Jarvis Cocker, BBC6 music.
'Ve-e-ry nice' – Verity Sharp, BBC Radio 3
Summerhall Edinbur EH9 1P
- 12th - 18th August , 22.35
Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen Fringe Festival
Otto-Burrmeister-Allee 1 D-45657 Recklinghausen