
Following 2013’s critically-acclaimed Song Noir, Pumajaw continue their unique musical journey into the twilight zone of cult TV and film noir, with spinetingling vocals, evocative, electronic soundscapes and retro-futuristic films.

Featuring songs from 'Twin Peaks', 'The Night of the Hunter' and 'Kiss Me Deadly' alongside originals from their repertoire of seven extraordinary albums, Pumajaw lead you through a seductive, mind bending, audio-visual maze.

 'Bewitching'  – The Scotsman ****

 'Seduces the audience into a weird and even scary world.' – The Herald ****

'Rather wonderful' – Jarvis Cocker, BBC6 music.

'Ve-e-ry nice' – Verity Sharp, BBC Radio 3

Summerhall, Summerhall Edinbur EH9 1P view map
12th - 18th August , 22.35

£10.00/£7.00 concs





Summerhall Edinbur EH9 1P

  • 12th - 18th August , 22.35

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Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen Fringe Festival

Otto-Burrmeister-Allee 1 D-45657 Recklinghausen


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For enquiries relating to putting on your show at the Fringe, or if you are an international promoter interested in attending the Fringe, please contact the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society directly on: participants@edfringe.com 

For enquiries relating to Made in Scotland showcase marketing contact:

Helen Eragona, Eragona Communications (helen@eragonacommunications.com)

For general enquiries please fill in the form, we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible. Thank you.