Following its world premiere in Dundee in 2014, Damien Jalet’s critically acclaimed YAMA returns as a brand new full length work.
YAMA explores the mythology associated with mountains inspired by the pagan and animist rituals practiced among the mountains of Tohoku, Japan. Created with the dancers of Scottish Dance Theatre, YAMA is an awe-inspiring piece that gathers energy as it grows with echoes of shamanic strangeness. Jalet's hypnotic choreography, and the tangled ensemble of exceptional dancers leaves a tingle and stain under the skin.
Profound, powerful and hugely demanding..
???? The Herald
An extraordinarily clever work with each theatrical element perfectly balanced
mesmerising brilliance
????? The Skinny
visually captivating…
????The Scotsman
A force to be reckoned with…..nothing short of stunning
The List
Zoo Southside
117 Nicolson Street Edinburgh EH8 9ER
- 22–29/08/2015 (not Aug 25) 19.50
Equilibrio Dance Festival
Auditorium Parco della Musica Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 30 00196 Roma
Sibiu International Theatre Festival
Colegiul Na?ional Octavian Goga, Strada Mitropoliei 34, Sibiu 550179
December Dance Festival
MaZ - Cultuurcentrum Brugge Magdalenastraat 27 8200 Brugge (Sint-Andries)
Belgrade Dance Festival
Sava Center Belgrade
Cannes Festival de Danse
1 Boulevard de la Croisette 06400 Cannes
Rennes Dance Festival