Pachamama Productions,
National Theatre of Scotland and Regular Music
Cora Bissett and David Greig’s life-affirming, song-filled Scottish drama, based on the true story of seven feisty teenagers, whose lives change forever when their school friend and her asylum-seeking family are forcibly taken from their home to be deported. The young women take a stand and fight for the life of their friend, her family, and, ultimately, for the rights of all children of asylum-seekers. They take on the government and succeed where others have failed, capturing the imagination of the media and inspiring a whole community to unite behind its residents.
'Why was 'Glasgow Girls' a good addition to the MiS 2016 showcase? David Sefton, Artistic Director at the Adelaide Festival, replies:
Glasgow Girls, Pachamama Productions, National Theatre of Scotland and Regular Music from Made in Scotland on Vimeo.
Assembly Hall
Mound Place EH1 2LU
- Aug 4, 5 Previews 14:20
- Aug 8,9 14:20
- Aug 6-7, 11, 16-18, 23-25 14:20
- Aug 8-9, 12-14, 19-21, 26-28 14:20