Join Playwrights’ Studio, Scotland to explore what stimulates the artists behind this year’s Made in Scotland showcase. Practical workshops and lively, engaging discussions, expertly led by Scotland’s leading playwrights and theatre-makers.
Practical workshops and lively, engaging discussions, expertly chaired by Scotland’s leading playwrights and theatre-makers.
The Workshops @ Fringe Central, Venue 2 | Free but ticketed
Plays and Games: Getting the Audience in the Show
5 August, 16.00-18.00, Rehearsal Room, Fringe Central
Click here to book your tickets
Join playwright Clare Duffy (Play Dough) for a practical workshop about the challenges of combining live interaction and scripted drama.
Leaps of the Imagination
8 August, 14.00-16.00, Rehearsal Room, Fringe Central
Click here to book your tickets
Led by choreographer Natasha Gilmore and playwright Robert Alan Evans (Tiger and Tiger Tale), a lively workshop on adapting ideas for different audiences and art forms.
Smashed to Pieces in the Still of the Night
15 August, 11.00 – 13.00, Rehearsal Room, Fringe Central
Click here to book your tickets
Practical workshop about making experimental multi-artform performance led by David Leddy (Horizontal Collaboration and City of the Blind).
Interpreting Shakespeare
16 August, 14.00-16.00, Rehearsal Room, Fringe Central
Click here to book your tickets
Led by poet and translator Ian McDonald and director Liz Carruthers (MacBheatha), this workshop will explore innovative ways of adapting Shakespeare and other works of fiction.
The Discussions @ the Traverse Theatre Venue 15 | £6/£4 conc.
Click here to book tickets for all the discussions
Sharing the Experience
Chaired by Gary McNair,
Monday 11 August, 14.30 – 16.00, Traverse 2
The audience is increasingly an integral part of the theatrical experience – as participants or even as the protagonist of the story. How is this immersive style challenging the role of the artist? Panel includes Fleur Darkin (miann), Louise Quinn (Biding Time) and Nicholas Bone (A Walk on the Edge of the World).
Feminism is the New Black
Chaired by Linda McLean,
Monday 11 August, 17.00 – 18.30, Traverse 2
What is behind the popularity and diversity of theatre about women at this year’s Festival? Has Feminist Theatre gone mainstream? Panel includes Caroline Bowditch (Falling in Love with Frida), Rosana Cade (Sister), David Leddy (City of the Blind, Horizontal Collaboration), Rona Munro (The James Plays presented by The National Theatre of Scotland, the Edinburgh International Festival and the National Theatre of Great Britain), Paula Salminen (13 Sunken Years) and Mara Menzies (Nzinga – Warrior Queen).
Come the Revolution
Chaired by Nicola McCartney
Monday 18 August, 14.30 – 16.00, Traverse 2
In the year Scotland votes for or against independence, theatre about (and perhaps as) political protest is a significant part of the Festival. How much can theatre mobilise political opinion and action? Panel includes Ross MacKay (Feral), John McCann (Spoiling), David Greig (All Back to Bowie's) and Graham Main (Blood Orange).
Not in Front of the Adults!
Chaired by Oliver Emanuel
Monday 18 August, 17.00 – 18.30, Traverse 2
Is theatre for children and young people more exciting than ‘grown-up’ theatre? And is there something unique about Scotland, where a wealth of independent artists and theatre companies are making world-class work? Panel includes Shona Reppe and Daniel Krass (Huff), Christine Devaney (Chalk About), Purni Morell, Artistic Director of Unicorn Theatre and Peter Wilson (Duck, Death and the Tulip).